Sunday, March 15, 2015

What weight loss really looks like!


Weight and loss will look different for each individual!
Everyone carries the bulk of their excess weight in a different way!
Each person loses weight differently and at different rates!

In this picture, to the left I am at my heaviest ever - 280 lbs. I weighed that much for several reasons: depression, over eating, over eating carbs, and no exercise. I wasn't watching, tracking or being mindful of what I was consuming. If it tasted good, looked good, I indulged.

At the point I was ready to get back to a healthy lifestyle, I knew what to do. I knew it would be a very long journey. I knew that taking off 110 lbs was not going to be easy. 

I knew I would have both success and failure.

Weight Watchers had worked before - I'm a 3 time champion so that's where I started. However, with so much to lose, I knew I would need more accountability and did not do just the online program, I now needed the meetings. And I HATE MEETINGS of any kind. I hate to sit, hate to listen, hate to be still. But you can't hear unless you sit and be still - and I needed to listen.

After about 2 months of steady weight loss I new it was time to start exercising.
I started by walking. I started SLOW and SHORT. I'm very blessed to have some great parks and walking routes in my neighborhood so I took advantage. 

I started by walking up to the park and back home - no fast, not racing just walking.
Each time I went out, I went a bit faster and a bit further and sometimes it was only 1 block.
Can you lose weight without exercising- yes- but I don't recommend it- see my blog post on that!

After losing about 60 lbs. a friend who had his own fitness gym was contacting me about trying his boo tcamp workout. Yeah, I said it to - "I can't do that" and each time he would say "yes you can, come try it". It took Chris about 2 months but I gave in. What's the worst that could happen? I go - I hate it- I don't go again- no big deal.

Here's the problem - I went, I COULD DO IT and I LIKED IT!

Yes. ANYONE can do the workouts I do.

But you have to want to - you have to be willing to try.

So after a year I had lost the 60 lbs and an incredible 30 INCHES off my body!
And then it happened.......

I stalled and even started gaining!

For about 3 months.

It was agonizing.

I new that I needed to change something, but I didn't know what.

The change:
I started Carb Cycling (see my blog post or go to
I added more workouts

My body was adapting to my routine - I had to change my routine.

Sure enough after 2 weeks I was back on track and losing steadily again! I still have 60 lbs to go!
Take a closer look at this chart, notice the peaks, notice the valleys, notice the plateaus!
This is my actual Weight Watchers weigh in chart. I weigh in once each week.


The scale is pounds
The tape measure is inches

to get and accurate picture of your loss.

Sometimes you will lose inches and gain pounds.
THIS IS NORMAL as fat turns into muscle!

DRINK WATER - DRINK at least 1 gallon each day!


Blessings on your journey!


1 comment:

  1. I loved this one Michelle !!
    You have come a long way and you are doing an amazing job....
