Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weigh In Day - UGH!


It's 8:41 a.m and I'm stressing out about weighing in. I've been weighing in every week for 1 1/2 years and I still dread it. Even when I know that the numbers will be lower, I dread it. There is something about stepping on that scale that brings the fear of failure.

I once heard in a Weight Watcher's meeting, "the scale is simply feedback". It's true. The scale should not determine your success or failure or ever make you feel a certain way. The number is simply feedback on how your week panned out and what's going on with your body. BUT.........

.....the scale does affect my feelings!

Weigh in days are also difficult because my eating pattern is thrown off. By now I should have had almost two meals. My body is already reacting to it and sometimes that means it retains water, and that means a gain.

Weigh in days are emotional. Sometimes I'm energized but today I'm anxious. So I press on....

Leaving you now to gather my meal to eat right after I weigh in and heading out the door. I'll catch up and fill you in on my results when I get back!

(imagine some nice soothing music)

Well...its 10:35 a.m and I'm pretty much in tears.

Last week I was down 3 lbs and today I'm up the same 3 lbs. Why? I'm retaining water. I can feel it. I've been struggling with it since my hysterectomy. I had been taking some prescription water pills over the last month which have really helped keep it regulated, but today is day 3 without them and its devastating for me. 

After my meeting I called and made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon so I can get a refill. My follow up appointment wasn't scheduled for another 2 weeks, but I just cannot wait and be defeated for another two weeks. I also sent a text to my trainer who was so hopeful that I would have another big loss - that was so hard to do. It's one thing to disappoint myself, but disappointing someone else is much worse for me.

It's so disappointing and upsetting to work so hard, to do all the right things and to get this feedback today. I feel like I'm never going to take the weight off, that I'm working for nothing.

This is where it gets raw.....this is my journey.

Each day is starting over.

Each day is a struggle.

Continue to climb.


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