Monday, March 9, 2015

Traveling and Eating


I probably don't travel as much as most people in Bakersfield, but I do leave town for at least the day or weekend once per month for running events. Now you know that from Bakersfield, EVERYTHING is at least 2 hours away. We are somewhat "close" to everything. But the beach, the snow, the mountains, LA, Fresno, etc are a minimum of 2 hours. 

When you're needing to eat every 3 hours maximum this requires that food be PACKED and taken in the car. That also means that my choices will be limited and for me, that is what I don't like!

This weekend my husband and I will travel to Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, Ca. The drive, like I said, is about 2 hours long, we will stay in a hotel that we have stayed in before and know the area. The hotel has a decent cafe and there are 6 sushi restaurants and a Chili's within 1 block. So there are plenty of healthy and "plan friendly" places to eat. not the problem.

THE PROBLEM------ the hotel also stocks ice cream in the lobby, has room service and a great cheese platter!

Now, you might be saying "but Michelle, you're going to be running more than 3 miles" or "Michelle you deserve a treat now and then" or "Come on Michelle its not that bad".

And I would agree with each statement; HOWEVER, I run 3 miles ALOT, I deserve way more than ice cream or a cheese platter and IT IS THAT BAD!

I have 60 more lbs to lose and one day makes all the difference. How do I know? Because the last time I stayed here and ran a race I ate the ice cream AND the cheese platter and both my weight and my race paid the ultimate price.

Mind, Body, Soul. Which one will be in control? So far we just talked about the mind, tried to JUSTIFY all the reasons I should eat the taboo stuff but none of the reasons why I shouldn't.

THIS IS WHY I AM OVERWEIGHT. (not you, but definitely me)

My body knows how it will react. My mind doesn't care. My soul does.

Remember the Tom & Jerry cartoons that would pose an angel on one shoulder and devil on the other and each would try to convince Tom or Jerry of their position? I don't know about you but this happens to me when I travel.

I take all the right foods with me, plan it out and then it all goes to  you-know-where in a hand basket! I really need accountability and my family usually doesn't provide it so I have to call on other resources!

Little tricks I use:

Eat my foods even if I don't want to
Eat before we stop for every one else's fast food fix
Keep the food in front of me instead of in the trunk
Only drink water, water, water
Tell the family the plan (even though they won't stick to it)
Wear tighter clothes especially around the waist
Try to sleep on the drive
Eat higher fiber foods then normal
Avoid even a bit of sugar (its a trigger for me)
Crochet or do something to keep my hands busy
Don't order room service
Walk to the meal
Take the "bad" off the plate and throw it away IMMEDIATELY

The happy ending to this story is.......I started writing this blog post very early on Saturday morning hoping that it would help me with my accountability over the weekend and help me to stay on course to meet my goals.

My husband and I finished our race on Sunday. My time was decent but my knee was screaming the whole way because I haven't been training. The race was really fun and exciting. More than 6000 runners and through Knott's Berry Farm. I hadn't been there in 30 years and it has really changed. And my eating over the 2 days gone was not stellar but not the worst damage I have ever done.

I hope your travels are equally enjoyable, and that your mind, body and soul are cohesive!


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