Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Recipe - Meatloaf: Simple & Versatile


Meatloaf was a staple in my home growing up and I love to make it now for my family. It is a versatile dish that can be made with ANY meat. This recipe will just use ground beef; however, you can combine ground meats in any combination. Sometimes I do chicken and pork, beef and chicken, turkey and pork or whatever I have on hand. 
The other nice thing about meatloaf is that you can season it differently each time to switch up the flavor. This recipe will use ketchup but you could easily substitute bbq sauce or leave the sauce out entirely and just use tomato sauce.
To switch it up for a low carb day, instead of the breadcrumbs substitute mozzarella cheese as the binder!
It's your loaf - make it your way!
The other items I added are just some leftover vegetables and they roast beautifully right alongside at the same temperature!
Mini meat loaves or single serving sizes can also be made the same way!


1 lb ground beef or meat of your choice 
1/4 c. diced red onion 
2 cloves garlic, diced
1 egg or equivalent egg beaters
1 c. Panko bread crumbs
1/4 c. ketchup and 1/4 c. for topping
1/4 c. red wine or red cooking wine
1 c. diced mushrooms
1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce
Salt, pepper and other seasoning of your choice

Putting it together:

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Add all ingredients to large mixing bowl, then.......mix it together USING YOUR HANDS! Yup it gets messy but the ingredients get a better mix this way! Then transfer to a baking sheet and form loaf. You can use a loaf pan however I find that it takes longer to cook, is messy to get out of the pan and clean up is icky. If a baking sheet is used you can also roast some vegetables at the same time and also cut and serve from the pan!

Once loaf is formed I top mine with a bit more ketchup. The sugar and tomato create a sweet type of glaze. If you use bbq sauce or tomato sauce do the same.

** Other things I sometimes add: green bell pepper, cheese instead of breadcrumbs, hot sauce, or whatever I have that sounds good!

Place on middle to lower oven rack and cook for about 30-35 minutes. Use your meat thermometer to get temp up to 155-160 degrees. Let set for about 5-10 minutes before slicing.

**Meatloaf freezes and stores well in the refrigerator so it would be something for a change up in your prep day.

**Meatloaf is also great for breakfast sliced with a fried egg on top!



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