Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Recipe - Asparagus Stuffed Flank Steak


I made this for my family tonight and they really loved it. I had to wait until after working out to try it but it was worth it! The recipe is a bit labor intensive but not too difficult for a week night if you plan ahead! The roasted vegetable recipe is in another post from tonight.


Flank steak (about 3-5 oz per person- what you see here is about 6 oz because I went to Costco!)
Whole fresh asparagus
Olive oil
Seasonings to taste
Poultry twine or tooth picks

Putting it together:

Prepare asparagus and any other vegetables first. You want to rinse and trim the asparagus so that it barely just peeks out of the rolled meat. My stalks were 3-4 inches long. I also used some yellow squash that I spiraled.

Next prepare your meat. If it isn't already cut into desired size strips, do that now. The pieces I got from Costco, honestly, were hard to work with and I left them larger than I normally would. Ideally, 3-4 oz strips are fine so do the best you can. Once cut you'll want to use a meat tenderizer to pound them out. Hint: the flat part of tenderizer is for chicken, the spiky is for beef. No need to cover the beef just pound away until it is more uniform and flat. 

Next layer on your veggies as in the picture above, and roll. The rolls will need to be secured with either poultry twine or tooth picks. I actually forgot I needed these so I used some bamboo skewers broken in half. Twine works the best.

Before adding your rolls to your pan, make sure that it is already quite hot with olive oil. The goal is to get a good sear on each side and then reduce heat to cook more slowly. Once the sear is complete you can lightly cover with a lid to keep the heat in. Cook time is approximately 20-30 minutes depending on how you like your meat and how large your rolls are. Meat temp should be at least 160 degrees.

I served these whole to my family, but its also easy to cut them into smaller slices and they look like pinwheels and really colorful with the asparagus!

Bon a petite!


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