Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Beginning

Usually its said that the best place to start "is at the beginning". For this journey that would be starting from birth and moving through 43 years! How about we just fast forward to today and then toggle back and forth between the past and the present and maybe dabble a bit with the future?

Today is 2/26/2015, I am 43 years old, mother of an 18 year old boy and 13 year old girl, have 3 dogs (Wilma, Cookie and Lulu) a husband, a mortgage and three cars! Funny, I never thought I'd write that or live that.

My current weight is 232.4 lbs, my height is 5'7". My current exercise routine is Bootcamp Crossfit class 3-4 times per week, running 2-3 times per week and at least one 5K per month. My eating regimen is a mix of Weight Watchers Simply Filling and Christ Powell's Carb Cycle (Turbo Cycle).

I am a Christian believer, which means I am actively living with Christ in my life. I subscribe to a Biblical Worldview and the Bible, God's Word is my filter. I believe in sharing scripture as well as the testimony of what God has done in my life and I will share those things here in blog posts. My life verses are Jeremiah 29:11 1-3 and Ephesians 5:15 - 21. I'm intentionally not writing the versus so you can look them up and seek your own enlightenment. 

Some of my goals for 2015 are:

-To pray everyday
-Read my Bible everyday
-Spend money wisely
-Be happy and proud of what I already have
-Make repairs instead of purchases
-Run one 10K
-Run one 1/2 marathon
-Continue to eat healthy not emotionally
-Reach my goal weight of 170 lbs

Needless to say, like most people, I've already fallen off the wagon, but each day I climb back on and try again!

I am a Chaplain/Spiritual Counselor by trade and most recently have spent 2 1/2 years working with hospice patients and their families. I have experience with grief, addiction, marriage, family, end of life, chronic illness, suicide and other life issues. I'm currently a stay at home mom again and loving every minute of it!

Tomorrow I'll be posting a bit more about the Carb Cycle process and how it has helped me overcome my stalled metabolism.....stay tuned!


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