Friday, February 27, 2015

The Running Story

The Running Story

I haven't always been a "runner". In fact, I started running in 2014. The story is interesting...

For weeks and weeks I had a recurring dream about a woman running. I would dream about her at night and have day dreams about her running during my day. Very strange. It was the same dream every time - a faceless woman running. No more details then that but very vivid.

One day I awoke and started my routine. At that time I was only doing the Weight Watcher's Points Plus program and had lost about 40 lbs. Oh, I forgot to mention that in Oct. 2013 I weighed 280 lbs. so at this point I weighed about 240 or so. I was walking my usual 1-2 mile route around the neighborhood and thought I might just "jog" for a block. 

That was the block that started "The Running Story". After only about 10 strides it hit me! WHAM! God's voice loud and clear inside my head! 


I stopped.

And I said it outloud- "Duh"! Which was quickly followed by fear and doubt!

Part of me was excited and part of me was saying "but you don't run, you've never run, you don't like running, you have bad knees, you're fat".

At that point my choices were to listen to the lies (you don't run, you don't like running, you have bad knees) or I could put my faith in what God was clearly telling me I needed to do!

NOW..... did I run a 5K (3.1 miles) that day? NO! But I did run several blocks with some walking in between!

And the next day I ran the same amount, the next day the same amount, the next week a block more, the next week a block more, the next week a mile, the next week another mile and pretty soon the blocks turned into miles and pretty soon I was running without walking!

Today I run at least one 5K per month and I have a plaque to display my medals and race bibs!

I'm usually in the last 50% of runners to finish but I found a great mantra on a runner's website that really works for me:


Every race is different for me....we'll go into my chronic medical condition in another post. My first goal is always to finish without walking, no matter how slow I jog, I keep the bounce. I push through the sore knees and I push through the shin splints. I push through the shortness of breath and I push through the sweat.

My second goal, if I feel I can push to it, is to better my time from the previous race!

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