Saturday, February 28, 2015

Carb Cycle Basics

(Carb Cycle Progam information contained in this post is credited to Chris Powell at

Carb Cycle Basics

I started my weight loss, again,in October 2013 when I was my heaviest ever - 280 lbs. I chose Weight Watchers because it had worked in the past and I was always successful in losing up to 50 lbs. This time, though, my journey is longer. My total weight loss would need to be 110 lbs!

I like the Weight Watchers program because followers are eating real food, have to make crucial decisions about purchasing the food, there is support by way of meetings and online/etools and resources, tracking is a must and they encourage exercise.

Programs that have prepared foods may get fast results but followers are usually not learning to change habits and there is no maintenance support after the weight is lost and the pounds come back.

After losing about 55 lbs, my weight loss stalled. Partly because I was slipping back into old habits and partly because my body had grown accustomed to my new habits.

In December 2014, I had a partial hysterectomy. I feared the weight coming back as I would have 7 weeks of recovery in which I could not workout or run. In the end, I only gained 10 lbs and to date I have lost it all thanks to Carb Cycling.

My body and my mind needed a change. 

I needed something different so I talked to my trainer/friend Chris Kueneman at Higher Ground Fitness in Bakersfield, Ca. (
 He shared with me the success both personal and from clients about carb cycling.
I really didn't have to change all that much.

What I was mainly changing was how often I ate and when I was and wasn't eating carbs!

I am still following Weight Watchers however I am following Simply Filling.

I am tracking using My Fitness Pal for a few reasons: I need to SEE calories and sodium intake and I need a more focused tracker for exercise and calorie intake/deduction based on that.
I also track on good ole pen and paper because I need to track WHEN (the exact time) that I'm eating to ensure that I'm eating 5 times per day within 3 hour intervals.

I KNOW, it sounds like a alot but lets face it - I HAVE ALOT TO LOSE!

So here are the basics of Carb Cycling:

I am using the Turbo Cycle which is:

Sunday- cheat day (I still eat 5 meals but alternate between carbs/fats at each meal)

 Monday- high carb
 Tues- low carb
 Wed- low carb
Thurs- high carb
 Friday- low carb
 Sat- low carb.

*You can choose any day to be your cheat day.
*There are different Cycles to choose from. See cycle details at

EVERYDAY  eat FIVE meals - one every three hours - follow correct portion sizes and don't over do it.

EVERY DAY  eat for breakfast- a starchy carb, a veg or fruit, and a protein serving.

LOW DAYS (eat 4 meals in addition to breakfast that include): a protein, a fruit or veg and a healthy fat.

HIGH DAYS (eat 4 meals in addition to breakfast that include): a protein, a fruit or veg and a starchy carb.

WATER - drink at least ONE gallon of water per day! It is necessary to hydrate your body correctly! That's = 128 fluid oz. or 16- 8 oz glasses.

Example: here is what a HIGH DAY might look like for me

Meal #1 @ 6:30 am - protein = Vanilla Protein Shake
-veg/fruit = Granny Smith apple
-starchy carb = dry oatmeal
(I would blend this together as a shake)
-10 oz of water
-1 cup of coffee no creamer/no sugar

Meal #2 @ 8:30 am - protein=Strawberry Protein Shake
- veg/fruit =banana
- starchy carb= blueberry bagel low cal

Meal #3 @ 12:00 pm - protein = 3 oz chicken breast diced
- veg/fruit =  lettuce, cucumber, celery
- starchy carb = garbanzo and kidney beans

Meal #4@ 3:15 pm - protein = Quest or other low sugar protein bar
- veg/fruit = cucumber
- starchy carb = flavored low fat/low sugar yogurt

Meal #5@ 6:00 pm - protein= egg salad
- veg/fruit = artichoke hearts
- starchy carb = 2 slices 45 cal whole wheat bread

*At every meal I also drink at least 16 oz of water and additional water while working out.

Example: here is what a LOW day might look like for me

Meal #1@ 6:45 am - protein= Vanilla protein shake
- veg/fruit = none
- starchy carb = dry oatmeal
-other = vanilla, cinnamon
*blended as a shake; you could also just make oatmeal

Meal #2@ 8:45 am - protein = Quest or other protein bar
- veg/fruit- apple
-healthy fat = raw almonds, low fat string cheese

Meal #3@ 12:00 pm - protein= In & Out Cheeseburger protein style (no bun, no sauce)
- veg/fruit = lettuce, tomato, onion
- healthy fat - none

Meal #4@ 2:45 pm - protein = protein bar or shake
-veg/fruit = baby carrots
- healthy fat - raw walnuts

Meal #5@ 6:00 pm - protein= lean ground beef
-veg/fruit- lettuce, tomato
-healthy fat = black olives, low fat cheese
-other = low fat dressing
*taco salad at home


*Make sure protein shakes/drinks/bars are low calorie, low sugar and high protein

(print this at by signing up with your email address- it's an instant download)

So that's probably enough for one post! Please post any comments or questions!
My next post will contain information on the protein drinks and bars that I use and information on meal prep! Preparation for the week is crucial to stay on track to your goals!

Meal prep is EASY, FAST and frees up your time during the rest of the week!

Meal prep HELPS you make better eating decisions!!!

God bless you in YOUR journey!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Mind, Body & Soul

Mind, Body & Soul

Why choose this title for my blog?
It describes the daily journey that each of us is on! Our mind is not on a journey of its own and cannot be disconnected from our body or our soul.
here's where I will probably get some interesting comments.
I could have added the word "spirit". I could have used the word "spirit" instead of soul.
My personal view, based on reading of Scripture is that a person's "soul" and"spirit" are one in the same. Scriptures refer to it as our "spirit". We (human beings) tend to use the word "soul".
In either case....
it defines the internal center of our being that transcends death.
I know that is not a long theological analysis (and I can send you one if you like) but for blog purposes it is sufficient!

The Bible makes a great reference to these three elements working separately but together. 
I Corinthians 12:14 - 27

Paul is describing what the body of Christ looks like to the Church at Corinth because they were divided. He says:

"Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.If they were all one part, where would the body be?"

So.....some days on this journey my mind (thoughts) wants to be in control, some days my body (physical) wants to be in control and some days my soul/spirit wants to be in control. The idea is to get them working together in harmony to achieve what God ultimately wants for all of them! 

This is where focus, meditation and prayer come into my journey. My soul/spirit is ultimately the leader because it is the part of my being that connect with God through the Holy Spirit!

My soul/spirit needs to take the lead over what my mind and body want to do because usually these two team up to take the "easy" route which isn't always the best route on this journey!

Who is in control of your journey?


The Running Story

The Running Story

I haven't always been a "runner". In fact, I started running in 2014. The story is interesting...

For weeks and weeks I had a recurring dream about a woman running. I would dream about her at night and have day dreams about her running during my day. Very strange. It was the same dream every time - a faceless woman running. No more details then that but very vivid.

One day I awoke and started my routine. At that time I was only doing the Weight Watcher's Points Plus program and had lost about 40 lbs. Oh, I forgot to mention that in Oct. 2013 I weighed 280 lbs. so at this point I weighed about 240 or so. I was walking my usual 1-2 mile route around the neighborhood and thought I might just "jog" for a block. 

That was the block that started "The Running Story". After only about 10 strides it hit me! WHAM! God's voice loud and clear inside my head! 


I stopped.

And I said it outloud- "Duh"! Which was quickly followed by fear and doubt!

Part of me was excited and part of me was saying "but you don't run, you've never run, you don't like running, you have bad knees, you're fat".

At that point my choices were to listen to the lies (you don't run, you don't like running, you have bad knees) or I could put my faith in what God was clearly telling me I needed to do!

NOW..... did I run a 5K (3.1 miles) that day? NO! But I did run several blocks with some walking in between!

And the next day I ran the same amount, the next day the same amount, the next week a block more, the next week a block more, the next week a mile, the next week another mile and pretty soon the blocks turned into miles and pretty soon I was running without walking!

Today I run at least one 5K per month and I have a plaque to display my medals and race bibs!

I'm usually in the last 50% of runners to finish but I found a great mantra on a runner's website that really works for me:


Every race is different for me....we'll go into my chronic medical condition in another post. My first goal is always to finish without walking, no matter how slow I jog, I keep the bounce. I push through the sore knees and I push through the shin splints. I push through the shortness of breath and I push through the sweat.

My second goal, if I feel I can push to it, is to better my time from the previous race!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Beginning

Usually its said that the best place to start "is at the beginning". For this journey that would be starting from birth and moving through 43 years! How about we just fast forward to today and then toggle back and forth between the past and the present and maybe dabble a bit with the future?

Today is 2/26/2015, I am 43 years old, mother of an 18 year old boy and 13 year old girl, have 3 dogs (Wilma, Cookie and Lulu) a husband, a mortgage and three cars! Funny, I never thought I'd write that or live that.

My current weight is 232.4 lbs, my height is 5'7". My current exercise routine is Bootcamp Crossfit class 3-4 times per week, running 2-3 times per week and at least one 5K per month. My eating regimen is a mix of Weight Watchers Simply Filling and Christ Powell's Carb Cycle (Turbo Cycle).

I am a Christian believer, which means I am actively living with Christ in my life. I subscribe to a Biblical Worldview and the Bible, God's Word is my filter. I believe in sharing scripture as well as the testimony of what God has done in my life and I will share those things here in blog posts. My life verses are Jeremiah 29:11 1-3 and Ephesians 5:15 - 21. I'm intentionally not writing the versus so you can look them up and seek your own enlightenment. 

Some of my goals for 2015 are:

-To pray everyday
-Read my Bible everyday
-Spend money wisely
-Be happy and proud of what I already have
-Make repairs instead of purchases
-Run one 10K
-Run one 1/2 marathon
-Continue to eat healthy not emotionally
-Reach my goal weight of 170 lbs

Needless to say, like most people, I've already fallen off the wagon, but each day I climb back on and try again!

I am a Chaplain/Spiritual Counselor by trade and most recently have spent 2 1/2 years working with hospice patients and their families. I have experience with grief, addiction, marriage, family, end of life, chronic illness, suicide and other life issues. I'm currently a stay at home mom again and loving every minute of it!

Tomorrow I'll be posting a bit more about the Carb Cycle process and how it has helped me overcome my stalled metabolism.....stay tuned!



Welcome to the journey of my mind, body & soul. On this journey you'll read about my weight loss, fitness, meals, emotions, faith, successes and challenges.

(if you wish to return please go to 

This is a journey. We will stumble, climb, rest, eat, hydrate, meditate and relate.

You will, at some point, disagree with me. You're allowed! I will also probably disagree with you! I'm allowed. 
This is about MY journey! You will concurrently be on a journey of your own!

Please keep comments relevant, tasteful and tactful. I will remove and block inappropriate comments and users.

I am do not have medical training and any such terminology or use of medical terms will be in relation to my own experiences or the experiences of others with which I am directly familiar.

PLEASE consult your own physician before starting or changing any exercise or eating program. Never begin any new routine that might injure or harm you or someone else.

Photos posted on this blog by myself are private protected images, please do not repost without my written permission- Thank you!

I wish you nothing but the best and God's blessing on YOUR journey!
