Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Recipe- Roasted Cabbage & Carrots

This is some really YUMMY stuff, even if you don't like cabbage boiled you will probably love it roasted!
Initially I got this recipe on Pinterest (yay pinterest!) and have tweaked it with my personal favorites of spices and other stuff.
My husband, who loathes all things green, even says "when are you going to make that cabbage again"!

Easy to shop for and easy to prepare!



1 large head of cabbage
4-5 large whole carrots
Olive oil (total about 1/4 cup)
Salt & pepper to taste
Garlic or other fresh or dried seasonings as desired (I like McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning)

Putting it together:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Peel carrots, slice the long way then in half the short way. Put carrots in a bowl and toss with about 1/2 the olive oil and seasonings. Let sit while you prepare the cabbage. Remove outer leaves from head of cabbage and rinse. Slice cabbage into 1/2 inch rounds and place on baking sheet. Brush each round with remaining olive oil and sprinkle with seasonings. Add carrots to this sheet or on a baking sheet of their own depending on how much room you have. Place in oven on middle to low rack for about 20-25 minutes. The cooking time will vary depending on your oven and thickness of slices. What you're looking for is the cabbage to be browned and roasted on top. Remove, let cool for about 5 minutes and enjoy!

Other vegetable that roast well: potatoes, zucchini, fennel, celery, artichokes, mushrooms.



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