Monday, March 16, 2015

My Garden

MY GARDEN- Feeding my body & soul

I've always enjoyed growing things. Whether its flowers, plants or vegetables. My grandpa always had a garden. It was filled with sweet peas, carnations, a huge lemon tree, asparagus and lots of other things.
I love digging in the dirt!

My favorite type of gardening is container gardening. I have tomatoes, artichokes, a small citrus tree, and egg plant going right now.

In my yard I also have a few pomegranate bushes, a dwarf granny smith apple tree, a pear tree, cherry tree and peach tree. I like the dwarf variety because they are shorter and easier to care for. Ummm....... they aren't pictured in this posting because I haven't weeded or pruned them yet! Ha! So stay tuned for after they have had their makeover!!!

As Spring gets more underway, I'm also looking forward to planting a large basil crop as well as attempting to "regrow" some root vegetables like celery and asparagus from leftover stalks so you'll have to stay tuned for that!

My backyard/garden is my time for reflection and meditation. God speaks to me here while I'm watering, weeding and tending. There is something soothing about tending a garden, something that connects your soul to what is real and beyond this world. Something that tunes you in to our Creator and his work.

God placed his first creations on earth in a garden.... Genesis 2: 8 "Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed".

Here are a few early pics from this year's starters and a few tips to help you grow your own!

 Just one of my artichokes.....the bigger one needs some attention but they love the heat and cold in Bakersfield! They do go dormant in the winter but pop right back up in February!

This is one of my tomato plants surrounded by marigolds. I love these cages. I bought them at OSH several years ago. The key to planting a strong tomato is burying the stalks. When you buy one already started bury it in your soil leave and all up to the very top leaves. This will give you stronger roots and a sturdy plant. Also, if you buy a pre started plant it will want to flower early. Pick off the flowers and any suckers until you have some substantial growth.

 These are two Japanese eggplants, just getting started. Looks like someone has been nibbling on them! Also used marigolds here to help with snails and slugs. They will grow as tall as the tomatoes and I will need a cage for them. Japanese eggplant is nice because they grow long and thin like a squash.

 This is my poor little orphan citrus! There is a really funny story behind this little tree. It has been in several different places in my yard, dug up by the dogs, chewed on by the dogs. I wasn't even sure what kind it was because it never bears any fruit! Until this winter! It is apparently an orange tree! It loves this old washer tub planter that a friend gave me years ago. Usually I have flowers planted around it. Need to get to work on that!!!

Don't be afraid to start a small garden of your own! Stay tuned for more gardening info and foods you can easily grow yourself!!!



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